What is Co-Browsing?

Co-browsing, also known as collaborative browsing, is a web browser and app-based solution that empowers customer support agents to collaborate with the customer’s browser in real time. The agent can view to assist and jointly navigate over the customer’s screen to guide interactively for sales or customer support assistance. Navigate and browse with assistance. Complete complex and complicated tasks easily. Increase efficiency Restrict the fields assigning controls to agents or customers to ensure compliance with the regulations.

Client & Task

Seven Media Group

Vestibulum gravida ante et condimentum vestibulum. Cras egestas sodales nisi sed commodo. Mauris quis nisi velit. Sed sed pharetra velit. Vestibulum venenatis est tortor, et ultricies ex viverra et. Ut viverra, ante eu commodo auctor, metus nisl luctus metus, sit amet accumsan urna eros eu neque aliquam pulvinar libero.

Our Approach

Constant Innovation
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec sit amet egestas justo.
Customer focus
Curabitur eu fermentum odio purus quis metus aliquam sagittis. Etiam ligula felis, gravida lobortis odio in vehicula vulputate purus.
100% Money back guarantee
Suspendisse imperdiet eros vel nulla facilisis eleifend. Suspendisse sagittis, odio nec rutrum suscipit, eros felis rhoncus erat.
24/7 Customer support
Ut viverra, ante eu commodo auctor, metus nisl luctus metus, sit amet accumsan urna eros eu neque aliquam pulvinar libero.

How it works?

When the co-browsing session starts, the agent gets an accurate visual representation of the customer’s browser screen.

The support agents can assist the customer by securely co-navigating the website.

The agents can also annotate the customer’s view of the website, help to fill out forms, and even overlay documents.

Experience re-defined!
Co-browsing technology is used to engage customers interactively and give them an in-person experience during the entire process. It empowers your agents to see customers’ screens in real time and guide them through complex transactions, processes, forms, and demos.

With co-browsing solutions, you can enhance customer interactions by reducing multiple touchpoints for resolving issues.

Its Safe & Secure

Secure and Engaging
Realtime engagement which is a secured environment Industry industry-leading standards.
Controlling the details shared
Control the elements visible to customers and agents Hide as well mask the fields to have more control over interactions.

The missing touch

Video, Voice, Text Chat modules
Create more engaging interactions Improve communication Increase conversion rate Build personal interactions.
Video KYC
Complete the onboarding process with Know Your Customer Process Verify Documents on the go Perform face recognition and liveness detection.

Analytics & Reports

Reports and Dashboard
User Management , Agent Management Assignment of the calls, Efficiency Mapping Data Access Call recordings Documents Captured Video Recording.

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